Christopher Youth Center values the time and effort of all our supporters to insure that youth in need are able to access help.
With the growing need of youth in this area, additional support is always needed.

How Can You Help?
Volunteers are always needed to support Christopher Youth Center/Safe Place. After completing an application and attending training, volunteers respond to teens in crisis at Safe Place locations in their neighborhood. Traditionally, male volunteers respond to male youth, and female volunteers respond to female youth.
Volunteers are also needed for community events, to assist with supervision during youth outings and special events in general.
This unique volunteer opportunity provides a vital service to youth that need help, yet the time commitment from any one individual is minimal.
Express your interest in helping your community’s young people by becoming a Safe Place and/or Christopher Youth Center volunteer by calling 343-TEEN.
All Donations are Tax Deductable.
Make a fast & secure, online gift using PayPal (using your checking account, credit or debit card) to conserve resources and make your donation go further to help homeless, troubled youth in northeast Louisiana.
Our Wish List
We are always looking for specific items to keep the shelter stocked for the youth who will stay there.
Consider Membership
Your donations help fund the programs at work through Christopher Youth Center, Inc./Safe Place.
The costs associated with providing the programs and shelter are funded from many different sources. One of the most important sources are our members, who give so graciously of their time and money. Consider becoming a member or renewing your membership today. Members receive newsletters, attend meetings, share ideas with the agency and help promote the message of Christopher Youth Center/Safe Place.
Join as a Supporting Member
Print and mail your Membership Application along with your tax-deductible dues to:
Christopher Youth Center, Inc.
P.O. Box 7496
Monroe, LA 71211
Make A Gift By Mail
Mail with your check or money order to:
Christopher Youth Center
PO Box 7496
Monroe, LA 71211.

If you wish to designate a specific use for your gift, you may make that request. A restricted gift could range from a capital improvement to the facility, to a specific benefit for the youth, such as clothing, allowances, educational supplies or scholarships.

You can give tax-deductible contributions directly to Christopher Youth Center, Inc. Click Here to give a gift that will impact lives in our community.

You can make a gift to Christopher Youth Center under your will through:
In this way, you can assist numbers of youth in, often desperate, need for years to come. There is no more effective way to provide for successful future generations of youth.
Matching Gifts
Did you know that you can multiply your generous gift to Christopher Youth Center if your employer has a Matching Gift program? Thousands of companies have programs that will double or even triple individual, tax-deductible contributions made by their employees. Check with your personnel office to find out about your company’s Matching Gift Program. They will give you a matching gift application to fill out and send to Christopher Youth Center. We’ll take it from there. Mail your matching gift application to Christopher Youth Center, Inc.–Matching Gifts, PO Box 7496, Monroe, LA 71211.